A Sound of Teaching—with Phil Timberlake— Broadcast on Montez Press Radio, Saturday, November 21st, 2020 11AM–12:00, Broadcast on WGXC, Tuesday December 1st, 2020, 2PM–3PM
A Sound of Teaching—with Phil Timberlake— Conversations with Phil Timberlake, actor and teacher of voice and speech for actors, leading us through exercises inspired by Roy Hart, Catherine Fitzmaurice, Arthur Lessac and Kristin Linklater and leading him through how he visually imagines a moment of his teaching.
Joined by Phil Timberlake
Phil Timberlake is an Associate Professor of Voice and Speech at DePaul University’s Theatre School. He is an Associate Teacher of Fitzmaurice Voicework and holds a Diploma as a Roy Hart Voice Teacher. Phil has been a Fulbright Fellow to France, and is currently an ensemble member at Chicago’s Lifeline Theatre.