Machine Empathy, Broadcast on Montez Press Radio, Friday, September 27th, 2019, 11AM–12PM
Machine Empathy—diagnosis, babysitting and humming along with a CNC, tapping the boundary of your body, soft bodies and hard bodies, the monaural stethoscope, “generating a novel ‘acoustic enclosure’ between doctor and patient—a telephone line direct to the body—in which ‘speaking patients with mute bodies gave way to speaking patients with sounding bodies,’” reaching into shelves, tuning a Honda CB350,
J.G. Ballard’s Towards Crash, J. B. Barlow and W.A. Pocock’s “Auscultations of the Heart,” Rene-Theophile Hyacinthe Laennec, Steve Goodman, John Berger, Gustaf Sobin